Cutie clementine
Cutie clementine

cutie clementine

What determines when mandarins are ready for harvest?

cutie clementine

Once the bins are full (with up to 4,800 mandarins per bin), they are stacked and are transported to the packinghouse. They position the bins throughout specific rows in the orchard, so that the harvesters have a centralized point to return to as they progress through the orchard. The mandarins are placed into harvesting bags worn by the harvesters and then are gently dropped into plastic bins. During the Cuties harvest, they use special clippers that attach to the inside portion of the harvesters’ hand. As a consumer, I have seen Cuties coming from South America, as well as South Africa (incredible!). Since the time of my visit in 2016, this window has since become year-round, as Sun Pacific imports Cuties grown in other countries. Murcott mandarins are available during the second half of the season. The Clementine mandarins are available during the first half of the season and the W. There is an approximate six month Cuties harvesting and packing window between November and April when Cuties are available in California. When are Cuties in Season?Ĭuties are sold and available year-round. They are both advertised as Cuties and are sold interchangeably. The Cuties brand consists of both Clementine mandarins and the W.

Cutie clementine